Each season brings immense feelings of nostalgia for me for different reasons. Summer reminds me of warm pink skin from the days spent in the sun, wet hair from swimming or playing in the hose, good nights of sleep because of all of the fun things you did the previous day. I love reminiscing on specific memories from over the years and revisiting some when possible. Growing up there was a pond in Butler, PA where I grew up that I spent many days and nights by during my childhood summers. One night this summer my mom and I were in the car driving back from dinner and I caught a glimpse of the setting sun. I of course asked her if we could watch this beautiful sunset from the pond. 

We hurried to there with my camera and captured some of my favorite sunset images to date. The pond was mostly as I remember, full of lightening bugs, swallows swooping over the pond to catch bugs, bull frogs that would scare the ever living out of me when I got too close (without knowing) as they gurgled and dove into the coverage of the pond.. The air was warm, the water was calm, and the sunset was gorgeous. I snapped photos of the sunset along with it's reflection in the still waters from different viewpoints and even managed to get a shot of a tiny firefly. As I feel like summer is so quickly coming to an end, I look forward to finishing it out with more memories and anticipate the traditions of the upcoming seasons!
